Should I Get A Divorce Checklist

Only you and your spouse can determine whether divorce is the right solution for challenges in your marriage. However, getting to this conclusion is not easy especially when you have to think about minor children and marital property that you have spent years accumulating. But sometimes you have no choice but to file for divorce.

You can consult this checklist to see whether divorce is the right option for you

Ready For Divorce Checklist

What Should Be On A Household Item Checklist For Divorce?

Should I Get A Divorce ChecklistUnmarried people often believe the portrayal of marriage in the media is something perfect and easy. But reality is different because marriages take a lot of work to maintain and parties in a marriage have to deal with a lot of up and downs. Even people in healthy relationships have periods where their emotions are tested.

Friends and family may not be able to tell what is happening between you and your spouse behind closed doors. This is why asking friends or relatives whether divorce is the right decision is not the best idea. One reason why people in failing marriages put off divorce is because it is a complicated process.

Couples have to carefully consider the pros and cons of getting a divorce before they make a decision.

Violence In Marriage

People assume that only physical violence counts as abuse in marriage. But abuse can also be emotional, financial, and verbal in nature.  When staying in a marriage puts you and your children in danger, you need to seek divorce.

Spouses in abusive marriages can access various resources available in Texas specifically for domestic violence and abuse victims. These resources can help you transition out of dangerous marriages.  Never excuse physical violence.

Divorce Checklist For Fathers

You need to be realistic about what life will be like after divorce. Consider the fact that after divorce, your living arrangements, finances, access to your children, and your friendships will change. Even your relationship with your former in-laws will change.

Spouses that had a higher income in the marriage may need to pay alimony or child support. But the spouse receiving child support or alimony cannot rely on that money for a living. If the spouse receiving support did not have a job during the marriage or earned less than the other spouse, they may have to find a job after the divorce.

So, when you are listing the benefits of getting a divorce, remember to include the negative consequences of divorce in the list.

Divorce Checklist For Mothers

If there is no abuse in your family, then you should ask yourself why you are dissatisfied with your marriage and whether ending it is the right solution.  Thinking about why you are dissatisfied can give you a clearer perspective about yourself and other members of your family and make you want to save your marriage. You can try and save your marriage by:

  • Attending marriage counseling to find out why your relationship is stagnating
  • Attending financial counseling if you are considering divorce because of finances
  • Talking to your spouse and telling them what you are thinking and how you feel